Dating In Korea

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If you're obliquely asking if Korean language skills will make it easier for you to get laid: Yes. It is a lot easier, especially in serious relationships. I think it works out better the more fluent the two parties are in BOTH languages.

I am a 26 year old American English teacher in South Korea. Never have had any luck with women. This past December, I met a really attractive Korean girl. We have been going out for 5 months now.

I'm korean but i've been in US for over 10 years before returning to korea. Turns out I can't find any reasonable (as in it doesn't go all 'I'm gonna suck all your money with cheap ass tactics') dating websites of the quality of OkCupid, Match, EHarmony, etc. South Korea is one of the most online countries in the world, so social media's grip on beauty standards and dating standards is stronger than most countries, but if you went to someplace like NYC or LA, then I'm sure that you'd see the same behavior. With the usual caveats that Korean girls are just people, and individuals, and of course following the excellent 'dont be creepy' advice: Don't go in for the hug or kiss goodybe on a first/second date. Save that for when you're fully in a relationship (unless she initiates).

She started talking about us marrying pretty soon after we started dating. I just went along and said 'sure', not really putting any thought to it. She was an incredibly attractive girl that was into me. Things kept escalating until about a month or two ago. I gave her an engagement ring and a day or two after, I started stressing out and having minor panic attacks. I knew something wasn't right. Since then, we have broken up and got back together. But she still constantly says she's sad that we aren't getting married in June. She constantly calls me a liar, but then she says she loves me.

Dating In Korea

My real big issue is that I feel I have no one to really talk to about this. My friends and family are back in the USA. Another thing that really concerns me is that her father is really wanting her to get married fast. Why?!?!? I can't talk to her parents because they speak little to no English. I feel so alone and isolated.

Dating in korea as an american

Some of my red flags that are going off in my head:

Dating in korea 2017
  • She wants to marry quickly and she is only 26 and attractive

  • Her father wants her to marry quickly

  • She seems very inflexible when I try to talk about other plans

  • I am also worried about her money spending habits

  • Got upset when I talked about our relationship with friends and family back home for advice

  • Always asks me if 'I love her?' which concerns me

TLDR: Korean girlfriend wants to get married fast. Not sure really why.

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