Totally Free Dating Sites For Seniors With Free Messaging And Chat

  • Best 100% Free Senior Dating Sites. The online dating world can be intimating for seniors who are recently divorced or widowed. They’ve been out of the game for a long time, and they may not know how mature dating works these days. Fortunately, senior dating sites and apps can offer a beginner-friendly space to learn, grow, and date again.
  • Mar 09, 2020 We have finally come to our last pick and one of the quality dating sites for seniors with free messaging that is called Match. This completely free dating site for senior singles has been popular since 1995 which is from the year when it was launched. Match has millions of users from around the world.
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100% Free Dating Site For Singles is a 100% free online dating site for singles. Our site offers free online dating, photo personals, match making and singles. There are tons of features available, including extensive search capability and parameters, free email, live chat, video chat, matchmaking, photo personal ads, single men and single women looking to connect for friends, dating, love, romance and marriage.

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Use our free dating communication features, such as inbox messaging, email, friends list, instant messenger, live chat, video chat, and VOIP audio chat. We keep your dating life and personal details anonymous and secure. Using just your profile username, you can video chat and speak to other members without giving out a phone number, email address, Skype, nor any other instant messenger account!

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We believe quality is very important in a dating site and we go above and beyond other dating sites in ensuring high standards. Each new profile is manually reviewed and photos are moderated in order to ensure the highest quality personals and dating profiles for our community. We have no tolerance for scammers, spam and fake profiles. Members in our community can report bad actors and we will review all of them. We review and promptly delete all fake profiles to the best of our ability.

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Not only is a 100% free online dating site for singles, we also have our own free Dating Guide. It is a blog of sorts, written by various professional and volunteer relationship experts and dating coaches. They offer real life dating experiences, dating advice, relationship tips, romance ideas and much more to help with your own dating game!

Latest Dating Advice, Tips and News: View All Dating Advice

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Totally Free Dating Sites For Seniors With Free Messaging And Chat Services

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In a Walmart commercial, Sam Cooke says that “the best things in life are free.” While the lyric was referring to the store’s free two-day shipping deal, it really applies to so many other things, including totally free online dating sites.

Who says you have to spend your hard-earned money to find your perfect match? If you’re wondering which dating sites are completely free, then take a look at our list of the top free online dating sites where registration, profile browsing, and private communication don’t ever cost a thing.

Read on to see our reviews on the best free dating resources as well as some bonus answers to frequently asked questions by online daters like you.


Elite Singles may be be free, but it doesn’t skimp on quality. The site is dedicated to college graduates who are over 30 and looking for a serious relationship. Approximately, 82% of its members hold at least a bachelor’s degree, and approximately 2,500 of its members find love every month. On Elite Singles, more features won’t cost you anything, including registration, browsing, and certain forms of communication. However, you do have to upgrade if you want complete access to your inbox and other members’ photos.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
All Singles*
2 Million*Sign Up Free

Founded in 2000, eharmony is a well-known name in the dating industry, but it’s also known for its affordability (a basic membership is 100% free), ingenuity (the one-of-a-kind 32 Dimensions of Compatibility Quiz), and simplicity (the site does all the searching for you). The brainchild of clinical psychologist, Christian theologian, and seminary professor Dr. Neil Clark Warren, eharmony is the mastermind behind 2 million relationships in the United States, and it creates a new match every 14 minutes, so you’ll be in good hands if you join.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
All Straight Singles*
4.1 Million*Join eharmony FREE

Not only does Zoosk have a $0 price tag, but it also has one of the largest and most diverse user bases of any dating site — 40 million+ members from 80+ countries speaking 25+ languages. Plus, 30 million+ app downloads and 3 million+ messages exchanged every day. Pretty impressive! Once you create a dating profile (which you can do via Facebook or Google+), the Carousel is where you’ll want to head because that’s where you can start liking potential matches and getting people’s attention.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
All Singles*
28.9 Million*Start Zoosk for FREE

If we’re talking about free stuff, is like the free food of dating sites — it’s the best. It’s absolutely free to fill out a profile (with info about yourself and your ideal date or partner), browse through members, receive at least five matches a day, flirt (e.g., like people and send winks), receive Yes Ratings (those who’ve said yes to being interested in you), and hear about exclusive Match events. Plus, you can’t go wrong with the free dating site that’s responsible for creating more long-term relationships and marriages than its competitors.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
All Singles*
39.7 Million*Get 3 Days FREE

Many Christian singles’ idea of the perfect match is usually someone who has the same beliefs, values, and lifestyle, but they also do want to spend an arm and a leg while finding like-minded people. That’s why they turn to ChristianMingle — it’s among the most reputable and popular Christian dating sites, and a standard subscription is totally free. As a basic member, you can upload information and photos, search for date prospects, receive match suggestions, and communicate in a variety of ways.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
Christian Singles*
3.5 Million*Free Search, Then $14.99/Mo.

According to Business Insider, people over 60 make up 11% of the world’s population, and that number is estimated to grow to 22% by 2050. This is a huge demographic that deserves special attention, particularly the singles. OurTime is our top recommendation for older people in the dating scene for many reasons. 1) It’s just for senior singles. 2) It’s safe and easy. 3) It’s free. Just provide your gender, the gender you’re looking for, hair color, eye color, height, ethnicity, body type, marital status, how many children you have, how many children live with you, your smoking habits, country, zip code, age, username, and password.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
Mature Singles (50+)*
8.9 Million*Over 50? Start FREE

BlackPeopleMeet is a People Media site, which means it can be trusted to connect you to that special someone. The niche site’s focus is on biracial and black singles. Launched in 2002, BlackPeopleMeet sees more than 1.4 million visitors a month and has a four-star rating on Google Play. Whether you’re looking for casual dates, pen pals, love interests, or a husband or wife, BlackPeopleMeet can help you make the right connections quickly and simply.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
Black Singles*
5.7 Million*FREE Trial for New Users

SilverSingles is another terrific option for single seniors, especially those who aren’t tech savvy or feel nervous about online dating. The site has a clean, intuitive layout that anyone can pick up on, and the features are all streamlined for easy navigation (e.g., filtering searches, receiving compatible profiles, and sending messages). Most importantly, SilverSingles doesn’t charge you to test out the site and see if it’s a good fit for you.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
Mature Singles (50+)*
800,000*Sign up for FREE

For hookup-minded singles, BeNaughty is where it’s at. This free sex site has millions of frisky men and women from all over the world looking for all kinds of sexual encounters, including one-night stands, threesomes, affairs, and swinging partners. You can rest assured that you’re safe while using BeNaughty because the site verifies its members and uses SSL encryption to protect your personal and financial information. Plus all chatting and instant messaging is completely free on this dating site.

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
Today's Deal
All Singles*
13.3 Million*Browse Profiles Free



Since its launch in 2004, OkCupid has been been completely free, and the team says it’ll stay that way as long as the site is running. That’s right — you don’t have to pay to create a dating profile, search for compatible dates, receive a potential match, flirt, send and receive messages, or anything else. OkCupid is most known for its proprietary matching algorithm — you’ll answer numerous questions, specify how you want your potential dates to answer the questions, and then rank the importance of each question. That’s how the free dating site calculates your compatibility ratings with other members. A match percentage of 85% or higher means you’ve got quite a lot in common!


Plenty of Fish


Plenty of Fish (POF) is another free dating site that promises to never make you pay to send or receive messages — and that’s a really good thing because POF users have more conversations than those on any other dating site and exchange 1 billion messages a month. Some other impressive numbers include that 70,000 new people join the site every day, and it’s available in 11 languages and more than 20 countries. One user named Simon Whitelock wrote on Google Play: “Been on a couple of other sites a week now and had absolutely nothing at all. Cast my net on POF and, within 48 hours, I’ve had some contact. Proves that POF does work.”




Mingle2 says that it’ll only take 30 seconds for you to set up an account, and then you’re on your way to meeting a lot of authentic people. The team monitors the site to ensure that all the profiles are real and to keep scammers away. One helpful feature is the Members Online Now section, where you can see who’s logged in at the same time, which makes for even quicker connections. Mingle2 says you can put away your credit card as well because they won’t ask you for it.




Founded by Dustin Weirich, DateHookup has so many free features that we can’t possibly list them all. Some of the best include signup, viewing profiles (filters include gender, age, and location), saving your searches, seeing who’s online now, liking profiles, posting and replying to threads in the forum, and chatting in real time. In addition, the Articles page offers free advice on a bunch of topics, including date ideas, dating when on a budget, and protecting yourself from catfishers and fake profiles.


Which Online Dating Site Offers Completely Free Messaging?

Most people assume that a free online dating site will offer a free chat room for singles seeking dates, but sometimes the free services include only profile browsing and virtual liking — not the ability to send, read, and receive messages. This is a pretty big let down for some online daters, but luckily they don’t have get a paid membership to meet new people on a totally free dating site like OkCupid.

OkCupid offers 100% free communication between all its users, and they don’t have to pay a thing to access the messages in their inbox and greetings on other people’s dating profiles.

We’ve consistently ranked OkCupid as one of the best completely free dating sites because it has everything you need to make a great match.

OkCupid operates under the motto “Dating deserves better.”

Totally Free Dating Sites For Seniors With Free Messaging And Chat Rooms

We’ve already covered the basics of how OkCupid works and all the free dating services it can provide to support local singles, but a low price tag isn’t the only thing this totally free dating site and dating app have to offer.

The OkCupid match formula can direct users to the ideal first date and empower a single person to find their perfect match within no time. Every year, the OkCupid site and app create over 91 million matches between real people seeking the real deal.

Is Tinder the Best Dating App for a Casual Fling?

Most online daters are familiar with Tinder. It’s pretty much the most popular dating app on the planet, after all. Tinder launched in 2012 back when online dating was still very much stigmatized and underutilized by most people — but Tinder’s revolutionary swiping feature changed all that.

Tinder is a free dating app where users can express their likes and dislikes without holding back. By swiping on profiles, a single person can generate a potential match list comprised solely of people who turn them on. Plus, messaging is totally free between all users who like each other’s profiles.

There’s no denying that Tinder is a great hookup app where it’s easy to flirt with a stranger and pick up a hot date, and you can start chatting people up as soon as you create a profile connected to your phone number or Facebook account.

Tinder arranges over 1.5 million first dates every week, so it can definitely introduce you to some sexy local singles in the dating scene.

What Is Coffee Meets Bagel?

Totally Free Dating Sites For Seniors With Free Messaging And Chat Services

Coffee Meets Bagel is a free dating app where a single person can build a serious relationship with a potential soul mate. The app promotes authenticity, selectivity, and serious dating, so it’s a natural vehicle for single men and women who are tired of the traditional swiping scene.

By taking a quality-driven approach to online dating, Coffee Meets Bagel has changed the way local singles engage with one another online.

CoffeeMeetsBagel began as a passion project of three single women in Silicon Valley.

Coffee Meets Bagel limits the number of likes and matches a person can review each day, and that gives single people an incentive to slow down and consider each potential match more carefully and thoughtfully.

If you’re looking for true love, you should consider downloading this dating app for free and using its match capabilities to meet the person of your dreams.

How Do I Spot Fake Profiles on a Dating Website?

Spotting fake profiles is a regrettably necessary skill for any single guy or gal surfing on a free online dating platform because such free services tend to attract a few bad apples and unsavory characters.

As you chat with people online, you may start to pick up on certain warning signs and red flags that your online crush has something to hide. Things like speaking broken English, pressuring you to meet up right away, and making too-good-to-be-true boasts can all indicate that something fishy is going on.

Online daters should always do their research on a person before agreeing to meet up in person. You can do that organically by asking questions and carrying on a conversation in a private chat room — or you can straight up look that person up on Google, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Searching for someone by name, occupation, and location is useful because it can give you some good background information and pictures. This online footprint can verify that a person is exactly who he or she claims to be.

You can always trying using an online dating service like DateID to automatically screen your potential match and dig up the dirt before your first date.

Which Hookup Website Has No Hidden Fees?

An online dating site with no hidden fees can offer a great chat opportunity to singles looking to hook up right away, and that’s probably why almost 50% of singles under 30 have used a dating site or app to meet new people.

BeNaughty is one of our favorite 100 percent free dating sites for hookups because it doesn’t charge a penny to send and receive messages on the website — you can even send a mass text message to everyone who meets your dating criteria. BeNaughty is an incredibly fast-paced and sex-forward dating scene where singles can come into their own.

All you need to do to get access to free chatting on BeNaughty is upload a profile picture that clearly shows your face. As soon as the moderators approve your photo, you’ll be good to mix and mingle as much as you please.

Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.


Relationships:Hookups, Chats

Totally Free Dating Sites For Seniors With Free Messaging And Chat Lines

Match System:Search by encounter, location, and more

Our Experts Say:“BeNaughty is a premier hookup app where you can feel comfortable expressing your desires. Plus, it's free to join, browse, and flirt...” Full Review»

Browse Free:View Photos Now

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
All Singles*
13.3 Million*Browse Profiles Free

As you can tell from our review, BeNaughty can give you a lot of bang for virtually zero bucks. It’s free to create a dating profile and send messages on this hookup site, and you don’t have to worry about your free membership ever expiring or tacking on hidden fees. In fact, you never have to give BeNaughty your credit card information or PayPal account at all if you’d rather mingle for free.

However, some singles find it useful to upgrade to a paid BeNaughty subscription because they’d like extra perks and security features. This is completely optional, but it can up your odds of meeting someone special online.

What Is Facebook Dating & How Does It Work?

Totally free dating sites for seniors with free messaging and chat at home

Facebook Dating is a free dating service that launched in the U.S. in September 2019. Anyone with a Facebook profile is eligible to join Facebook Dating and expand their reach in the local dating scene. You can only access this free dating service through the Facebook app, and you’ll have to create a new dating profile to get started.

Your activity on Facebook Dating will not be visible anywhere on your Facebook profile or newsfeed. Users aren’t even allowed to take screenshots in the app, so you can rest assured your secret crushes will stay secret.

Our Facebook Dating review goes into more details about how the dating service works and what it can offer singles — as well as some alternative free dating websites and apps worth giving a try.

Which Online Dating Site Works Best for a Serious Relationship?

This is an easy one. Only one dating website has been around since the early days of the internet and created more relationships and marriages than any other dating service in the world — and it’s

Match has spent years perfecting its algorithm, honing its search filters, and streamlining the online dating process, so now it can offer a no-muss and no-fuss dating solution for anyone looking for the perfect match. This smart matchmaking website has a lot of great bells and whistles — including a fully functional dating app — so singles can build a relationship that lasts.

Our expert ratings are based on factors such as popularity, usability, value, and success rate of each site.

Absolutely Free Senior Dating Sites


Relationships:Friends, Dates, and Relationships

Match System:Browse by zip, age, appearance, more

Our Experts Say:“Match has facilitated the most dates and relationships of any dating site, and its large audience and high success rate make it our top review...” Full Review»

Browse Free:View Photos Now

User BaseGender RatioPopularity (Visits/Mo.)
All Singles*
39.7 Million*Try FREE

Senior Dating Sites For Over 60

Match is by far our favorite dating website for finding true love and happiness because it looks at personality traits, educational background, family values, and other important factors when creating matches and recommending date prospects.

Plus, a majority of Match users are over 30 and willing to pay for a monthly subscription package, so it’s a more serious dating crowd than you’ll find on the typical free dating site or free dating app.

Love Shouldn’t Come With a Price Tag!

Sam Cooke didn’t have online dating on his mind when he was singing about life’s free treasures, but his catchy tune still applies to the modern dating experience. You don’t have to pay for swiping and matching with a free site or app in hand, and that can make your journey all the more enjoyable.

Totally free online dating sites have definitely become one of the most popular ways to meet new people and build relationships. So take advantage of the free sites we’ve just told you about — and put your credit card away!

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Totally Free Dating Sites For Seniors With Free Messaging And Chat Rooms

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