Guy Claims To Be In Love With Me But Goes On Dating Site

If you are already in love with him and wondering does he love me as well, then it just means you are trying to figure out where your relationship is headed. It is indeed a nice feeling when you can spot the signs when a man is falling in love – you can then actually feel the connection between the two of you grow. Her mission is to share her proven dating advice and keen insights about men with women everywhere who are serious about finding love with the right man. Ronnie Ann Ryan, MBA, CCC is a Certified Coach who has helped 1,000’s of midlife women with her Love & Dating Coach services.

A recent study indicates that 15 percent of American adults use online dating websites or mobile applications. As the number of people looking to meet new people online grows, so does the opportunity for fraud.

Some scam artists use bogus profiles to con the people they meet out of hundreds or thousands of dollars. Criminals who perpetrate online dating and romance scams use emotional appeals to quickly gain their victims’ trust and then, just as quickly, exploit it. This leaves many victims not only embarrassed but also in financial distress. It is important for online users to be on the look-out for online dating and romance scams. It can happen like this:

“Maria” signed up for an online dating service and was contacted by “Andrew,” who claimed to be an American overseas on business in Australia. Maria and Andrew seemed to hit it off and began planning a road trip for that summer when Andrew would come back to the U.S. Andrew sent Maria a check for $5,000 to cover the cost of their trip, but then suddenly asked her to send $4,500 back to him because he needed money for rent after being laid off from his job. Maria deposited the check and sent the money, but was soon contacted by her bank, which told her the check was bad and she had to repay the $4,500. On top of losing her money, the fake “Andrew” disappeared, and Maria never heard from him again.

The Phony Profile

Romance scammers often create a phony profile. The scammer may use photos from magazines and portray himself or herself as talented and successful. Fake profiles may have discrepancies or inconsistencies, like disproportionate height and weight, or be suspiciously vague. Romance scammers often claim to be a U.S. citizen working or serving abroad, or give a similar excuse to explain their inability to meet in person.

Gaining Victims’ Trust

Online dating and romance scams often begin like any other online relationship: interested individuals exchange basic information, like their line of work, their city, and their hobbies and interests. Scammers may then ask their victims to leave the dating site and use personal email or instant messaging (IM). Con artists may express their “love” quickly and effusively, find similarities with the victim, and claim the online match was destiny.

This is all a build-up for the scam artist’s real goal: conning a victim out of money. Once the victim becomes attached, the scammer looks for ways to dupe the person into sending money, which can happen in two basic ways. In the first scenario, the scammer may indirectly ask for money. For instance, some romance scammers express concern about their financial situation or ability to visit the victim in the hopes that a person will offer to send funds. In the second instance, the scammer asks for money directly. A scammer may beg for hundreds or thousands of dollars, claiming a family member became suddenly ill, he or she was robbed, or the person is having difficulty obtaining travel documents after spending all his or her money on a plane ticket to visit you. A victim may even get a call from an accomplice who claims to be a lawyer or doctor to lend credibility to the tale.

Be wary of sending money to someone you have never met in person, especially via a wire transfer service, like Western Union or MoneyGram, or a prepaid money card, like Green Dot. Once a person wires money to a foreign country, the money is generally unrecoverable.

Protecting Yourself

Online dating and romance scams are sophisticated operations that are typically conducted by criminal gangs. Con artists share information about victims and may target victims more than once. Some scammers induce victims to share personal information or images and then threaten to post or distribute them to the friends, family members, and employers if the victim refuses to pay.

The Attorney General’s Office encourages people to exercise an appropriate level of caution when looking for a relationship online and to be careful about sharing personal information and photos with people they have never met. The following are some tips on how to protect yourself from being scammed and what to do if you become a victim:

  • Be careful about sharing sensitive personal or financial information with someone you have not met in person.
  • Stay on the dating site—romance scammers ask their victims to use personal email or instant messaging to keep their schemes under law enforcement’s radar.
  • When using an online dating site, use a separate username and different email account to protect your privacy.
  • Be wary of “coincidental” similarities as well as inconsistencies in an individual’s story. If things don’t add up, press for details, or ask a friend or family member for their perspective. Romance scammers know that emotions can skew judgment and count on affection and attention to thwart their victims’ judgment.
  • Wiring money is the same as sending cash—once the money is sent, it is generally lost for good.
  • If an online prospect claims to be a United States citizen living or working in another country and asks you for help or money, refer the prospect to the local U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If you want to send money, consider a U.S. Department of State Office of Overseas Citizens Services (OCS) Trust. An OCS Trust works like a wire transfer, but the embassy or consulate holds the money until the recipient picks it up—and provides proof of U.S. citizenship.
  • As a final effort, romance scammers may claim to still be “in love” when they are found out by their victims. Don’t fall for it. Report scammers to the dating website so others won’t be drawn in.

Guy Claims To Be In Love With Me But Goes On Dating Sites

Taking Action

Guy Claims To Be In Love With Me But Goes On Dating Site Full

If you are a victim of an online dating or romance scam, take the following steps:

  • Cease all contact and block phone numbers, IM accounts, and email addresses.
  • Keep copies of all communications.
  • Report the matter to the dating website.
  • Report the matter to your local police.
  • Report the matter to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at
  • Report the matter to the Federal Trade Commission as follows:

Federal Trade Commission
Bureau of Consumer Protection
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20580
(877) 382-4357
TTY: (866) 653-4261

Guy claims to be in love with me but goes on dating site movie

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I’ve been attracted to women my entire life and have had zero physical attraction to dudes. But I ended up falling in love with a guy from my gym and I’m starting to question my sexual orientation.

By: Justin in Tampa

You probably think I’m about to share some hot erotic story with you based on the title of this page. Sorry to disappoint but that’s not what this story is about. Instead, I’m going to tell you how I ended up falling for a gay guy who I’ve secretly been in love with for over a year.

Just to tell you a little about me – I guess I’m your average dude that’s into average guy things. If I had to describe myself, I suppose I look a little like that actor Grant Gustin from the Flash except I’m a little older at 35.

I’m married, have a wife and two children and live just outside of the Tampa Bay area in Clearwater. I love football and am a diehard Bucs fan. My job is really quite boring – I work for a local municipality in waste management (Yes, I’m a garbage man but I get paid really well).

So about a year ago, I joined a new gym because I was hoping to find a facility with more free weights. As it turns out, I ended up joining a chain outfit because it just so happened to have what I was looking for.

One Monday night after work, I stopped in to do a chest workout. I always try to pump my pecs on Mondays because it’s just part of my routine. I remember loading two 45-lb plates on each side of the universal bar and then trying to execute the reps. That’s where I ran into trouble …

I got two lifts out but on the third one, I was struggling. If you have ever lifted weights, you know how scary it can be when you realize you might not be able to finish a rep.

As I started to panic a bit, a guy who was working out on the bench next to me saw my dilemma. He immediately got up and positioned himself behind me and clutched the bar with his hands, helping me to pull the weights back up to the stand.

“I saw you needed some help so I hope you don’t mind. If you ever need a spot, just let me know.

I might need the same from you.”

As we got to chatting a bit, he told me his name was Billy. Super nice guy who apparently had been working out at this gym for several years. We swapped stories about our favorite workouts and talked a little bit how crowded it was in the free weight area.

Billy is one of the most athletically built dudes I have ever seen. He looks a lot like the well known bodybuilder with a twin, Lewis Harrison (see not safe for work link). In fact, I’ve even heard people at our gym ask him if there is any relations.

Same age as me but probably looks closer to 30. This guy has 16 inch guns, a massive chest and veins popping out of his forearms like the hulk.

So as time went on, I would regularly see Billy on Monday nights. It didn’t take long before we became workout buddies. What’s been nice about our friendship is knowing someone is waiting there for you. It kind of holds you accountable so you don’t skip gym visits, you know?

Honestly, I had no idea that Billy was gay. It never really came up I guess. Plus he never gave me an indication to think he was gay either. Sorry to be stereotypical but this is Florida so it’s not like I haven’t been exposed to guys who are into guys. The guy just doesn’t give off that vibe.

Related:Top 10 reasons straight guys have sex with gay men

So one night after working out, we decided to grab a cup of coffee at Perkins – which is nothing more than Denny’s with a different name. As we drove from the gym in his black pickup truck, I remember him telling me that he thought my arm tattoo was cool and how he was thinking of getting something for himself.

It seemed like we were at that restaurant for hours – to the point that I had to call my wife and let her know I was going to be late getting back home because I was hanging with my gym buddy.

After we talked about how we might change up our workouts so that things didn’t get stale, the conversation turned more personal. He told me that was born in St. Pete and was a mechanic for an airline. I shared with some things to – about my wife and two boys. Plus there was football.

At some point, I remember him telling me that he had broken up with someone about six months earlier. As I listened carefully, it became clear to me that his ex was a guy that he met at AA.


Looking back, I can remember feeling a bit shocked that Billy was gay. Like I said, he just never game me that impression – ever. And he never once made me feel like he was looking for something.

Later that night when I got home and went to bed, my wife and I made love. What’s weird is that I started to have flashes of Billy in my mind.

I can remember kissing her and thinking of him when my eyes were closed. My wife must have figured out something was off because she asked if I was OK. I told her that it had been a long day and that I probably just needed to rest.

“He’s even started to pop into my thoughts when I spank my monkey.”

Just having those thoughts about Billy kind of bothered me for the next several days. Trying to concentrate on my work wasn’t easy. And meeting him at the gym was even more difficult. That was over 10 months ago.

Since that time, I’ve started to have full on fantasies about my gym buddy. It’s just been easier to go with them and not fight them. I won’t lie to you – there have been a few times when I’ve even had dreams about him where I woke up the next morning with full on wood.

I've always been straight

I’m straight – seriously – I am. But there’s just something about this guy and I don’t know what it is. And my attraction to him goes beyond just his physique. Billy makes me laugh and is super funny. I just feel like I can let my guard down around him.

Related:Straight guy dreams about gay men

It’s hard to admit it but I think I am in love with him. Worse, I am pretty sure he’s picked up on it because of some comments he’s made. If he’s attracted to me, he’s not letting on.

Just last week, he told me that he’s started seeing someone. A guy he apparently met online. He also broke the news to me that we might not be able to lift weights anymore together because he’s going to be spending more time with this person. I remember how jealous I felt and just having those feelings freaked me out.

All of this just sucks. I’m so confused. I mean I know that I am into women. I’m also very attracted to my wife. Still, I don’t know what to do. I can’t get Billy off my mind. He’s even started to pop into my thoughts when I spank my monkey.

Can a straight guy fall in love with a gay man? I’m here to tell you yes because it happened to me – and still is. How it happened I don’t know but it did.

Now I’m starting to question my own orientation. Maybe it’s time to talk to a professional.

Guy Claims To Be In Love With Me But Goes On Dating Site Youtube

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