Free Dating Site In Greenland

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Greenland dating guide advises how to pick up Greenlandic girls and how to hookup with local women in Greenland. Travel, enjoy and have fun with hot single girls and you might even meet the love of your life. Read more on how to date Greenlandic women, where to find sex and how to get laid in Greenland, North America.

A view from Nuuk, the capital of Greenland

Greenland is situated between the Atlantic and Arctic oceans on the East of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. It is an independent and self-governed territory in the Kingdom of Denmark. Greenland has a total of five municipalities, which include; Kujalleq, Qeqertalik, Qeqqata, Avannaata, and Sermersooq. The Administrative capital of this country is Nuuk, and the prominent cities are: Sisimiut, which has a population of 5,598 people, Ilulissat situated in Greenland's western region and Quaqortoq, found in the southern region of the country and is home to 3,229 people.

Inuits are the community of people who form the majority of residents of Greenland who migrated from Alaska and settled on the Island by the 13th Century. The Tomb at Qilakitsoq, Icebergs, and glaciers are some of the sites that make this region a fantastic place to visit. Women, there are also beautiful and fascinating, thus becoming a reason why most men prefer it for tourism to interact with charming Greenland's ladies.

Greenland Top 10 Overview:

Chance of picking up girls: 3.5 / 5

Picking up at daytime: 4 / 5

Picking up at nighttime: 3 / 5

Looks of girls: 4 / 5

Attitude of girls: 4.5 / 5

Nightlife in general: 3 / 5

Locals' English level: 4 / 5

Transportation: 3 / 5

Budget per day: US$90 - $550

Accommodation: US$50 - $350

  • 3How to Pick Up Girls
    • 3.1Tips for Daytime
    • 3.2Tips for Nighttime

Greenlandic Girls

Greenlandic women are very attractive and charming, as stated by people who have visited the country. Some of them are tall, while others have an average height. They are very social and would even open up to new people whom they have never met before.

Most men all over the globe are overwhelmed by the independent nature of women from Greenland. You will never find them sitting home comfortable waiting for their men to provide for them as they argue that the title 'housewives' does not deserve them. They go against the ancient belief that men are the breadwinners of the families and strive to bring something on the table too. Besides, they are very supportive and encouraging, when it comes to helping one at working towards achieving their goals. All they want to see is an environment full of prosperity.

The Greenlanders also value education and believe that it is the key to success. In Greenland, women's population in terms of percentage is higher than that of men; this motivates them to work harder in education, knowing that they have the power to make their nation, a great place on Earth. Even though they believe in modernism, tradition is still an important aspect of their lives. They value preserving their culture and will never forget the history of their land as laid down by their ancestors.

Ladies from Greenland are popularly known by their decisive nature. They will always rise very early in the morning, having in mind the schedule of what they are going to do and the duration of time they will spend on that particular task. This also describes their competent nature, unlike ladies from other regions of the world who will wake to gossip and be unproductive when it comes to performing their duties. Greenlandic ladies will always be on the frontline when it comes to matters concerning their families.

Looks of girls: 4 / 5

Women from Greenland are very beautiful; their physical appearance gives full support to this statement. Their tapered eyes and black hair are among the features that would make men choose them over women from other regions of the world.

Greenlandic women are very hospitable and would entertain anyone even without little knowledge of their whereabouts. They are very supportive as they believe that support is the foundation of everyone's success. Respect is their core value as they will always speak their minds but in a manner not to annoy or let you down.

Where to Get Sex Now

It is easy to get sex online in Greenland. You just need to find the best available girls. See Girls Online Here!

How to Pick Up Girls

Greenlandic ladies are very charming, and they can always attract men's attention towards them. This is propelled by a set of features that contribute to their beauty, which include their tapered eyes, black hair, and their nice voices. However, getting laid with them is very easy as they are very social and open-minded. They will always have time for you and listen to you. This makes it easy for men to approach them and disclose the feelings they have for them right from the bottom of their hearts.

It has been proven that the right time to approach these ladies is during the day; you can concur with me that a person who has the right intentions will always approach you in an open and clear place, and that is why it is advisable to face these ladies during the day.

Some ladies are single and desperately searching for men either to mingle with men or to date them and making them lifetime partners. Such ladies are very easy to hookup with as their intentions resemble yours, and they already know what you are looking for. For those planning to visit Greenland to hookup with ladies, it is essential for you as a visitor to use common sense and maintain the high level of etiquette to be on the safe side as you hunt for the girl of your dreams.

Chance of picking up: 3.5 / 5

There are good and high chances of picking up a girl in Greenland. However, one must be psychologically prepared to either get a girl, who is good or bad. This depends on how she was brought up by her family members and the kind of environment she has lived in since her childhood. However, if you fall for the bad one, there are ways you can use to rehabilitate her. All that these ladies need is someone who can show them how much they love them by charming and caring.

Tips for Daytime

Daytime is the most appropriate time to get to a girl in Greenland. 90% of men who have tried this will bear with me that it is easy to win a girl's heart there during the day than in the night. This country being an Island, there are beaches and the environment during the day is very calm and relaxed. This makes it easier for you as you don't need to use much energy as compared to that you might use in clubs during the night. All you need are good compliments for her, and you hit the jackpot.

For those away from coastlines, it doesn't mean that for you, things are impossible; there are also ways for you to get that girl of your dreams. This is what you have to do, invite for her a date, put on your best outfit ever meant to attract her then take her out on the streets. Women are very cheerful during the day when they are hit with the cool breeze. Use this opportunity and inject your intentions for the date accompanied by stories and jokes to make her laugh, and you will win the game.

How to approach the girls?

Greenland, as a country, has the hottest, funniest ladies every man would like to spend the whole lives with. Approaching ladies is one of the easiest things in Greenland. These ladies are very welcoming, friendly, and entertaining. They would stop and give you their time and ears, without getting annoyed with whatever you have to say as they have a positive attitude towards jokes.

If you are a shy person, trying to wing at them and you will get perplexed and develop feeble legs, which may lead you into collapsing before a multitude of people as a result of the way she will stop and stare you right in your eyes. However, while approaching these ladies, make sure you develop the best version of you, be courageous and display the gentleman in you and then go for the hunt. Stop here and introduce yourself, get to know more about her, tell stories full of humor to make her laugh. You should not forget addressing your essential reason for interacting with her.

Remember that you may carry the day home, or you might lose it depending on how you went about it. Losing should not disappoint you as it opens up a chance for you to improve for the next time. Do not be aggressive when you are turned down. That will make her think twice and give you another chance to express yourself.

Winning her heart during the day is very easy. Kindly consider the environment you are in and make sure you are not boring, and you are having a good conversation. Flatter her and mean what you say; if she finds this fascinating, then she will give you a yes.


Best Places to Meet Girls

Talking of places where you can meet these beautiful ladies, there are some factors to consider. One of these factors is the climatic condition; don't expect to find them hanging around waiting for you during the rainy season. For nature to be on your side, go for it during a sunny and hot day when everyone is out there basking along the coastline, putting on bikinis and skimpy clothes. This will surely help you meet the kind of girl you are looking for. Explore the following places and meet that girl you have been dreaming about:

  • Ilullisat Ice-fjord
Ilullisat Ice-fjord, Greenland
  • Hot springs of Unnartoq
A hot spring in Unnartoq, Greenland
  • Nuuk City
A view of Nuuk City, Greenland
  • Northwest Greenland where people visit the ancient Greenland port
A view of the Greenland Port in Northwestern Greenland
  • Coastlines around the Island
  • The Tomb at Qilakitsoq
  • The Eskimo settlement of Greenland

Tips for Nighttime

Nighttime is also among the good times one can approach that girl and talk to her in Greenland. Scientifically, it has been proven that people are more active and courageous at night than during the day. This makes it easy for you to wing at that one girl who is attracting you. Nightclubs are famous places and most preferred places where one can meet a lady in Greenland.

After a very busy and tiresome working day, most people go to clubs to refresh themselves and shade of stress that had accumulated his or her mind during the day. This is where one can meet a lady and share his feelings for her as they chat while sipping that favorite drink or wine. Alternatively, you can ask her out for dinner. This is the most romantic way to win her as she gives you her time and even shares a meal with you in that five-star restaurant or the nicest place you can afford. You can also ask her out to go and see the Northern lights of Greenland, which are so attractive and beautiful during the night.

As you enjoy the beautiful scenery, make sure you talk to her politely and avoid miscommunication. Flatter her and make her laugh. When she feels coldness, cover her with your jumper or jacket. This will make her give in for you.

Chance of hooking up at nighttime: 3 / 5

There are great chances of you winning the heart of that charming Greenlandic lady though you might need to use more energy unlike during the day. To support this statement, consider a situation in a club where you are trying to compliment her beauty, she may take it as an obvious thing as she has received such compliments from various men in the same club.

Best Nightclubs to Meet Girls

Nightclubs in Greenland occupy the largest part of people's nightlife, which starts at midnight. People all over the world visit clubs to enjoy drinks, listen to music as they dance and also spend time with friends there. Ladies in the clubs are twerking, and the so-called strippers are stripping off to entertain men. As a tourist, the following are clubs you can visit to meet naughty women:

  • The Manhattan nightclub
  • Skyline bar
  • Godthaab Bryghus
  • Kristenmut
  • Den Garonne bar
  • Ice bar
  • Takuss pub
  • Mikisoq bar

Nightlife in Greenland starts at midnight and goes until morning; it is termed to be more interesting as most of the famous DJs in the country are called upon to perform most, especially during the summer circuit parties. However, nightclubs may be the best places to meet ladies to hook up with; it requires one to use much energy to get her.

Northern Lights in Greenland

Mature Ladies and Cougars

Greenland's population is dominated by women who are educated and versatile. Their independence nature makes them want to live a single life as they dislike being provided for by men. This may not be the only reason why they are single, but also because they are the most dominant gender in the country could also be another reason. Tourists visiting this place should expect to meet these kinds of ladies who are old. A few of them have kids but looking for men to satisfy their feelings.

Some of these ladies are sex works whose ambition is to provide for their families while others are looking for young men as they believe they are energetic enough to make them feel 'young', when it comes to sex. These ladies are referred to as Sugar mummies.

Men who are in Greenland on a mission of pursuing old women for sex don't need to struggle as the women are also waiting for them. Some ladies are happily married and faithful to their husbands while others are happily engaged if you are a man, and you accidentally bump into one of them; kindly respect her and find one who is ready for you to avoid unexpected divorces.


Regions of Greenland
Southern Greenland
Nicknamed 'Sineriak Bananeqarfik' (Banana Coast) by the locals, this is the most easily accessed part of Greenland and the one subject to the least extreme temperatures. Surprisingly, farming is common in the lower parts of the region, especially around Igaliku. Dirt roads connect the farms, and go into canyons which are within sight of snow-covered mountains and glaciers.
Western Greenland
Location of the capital Nuuk (Godthåb), a 'city' with more than 17,000 people. Much of the population of Greenland lives in this region - Nuuk alone has more than twice the population of southern Greenland. The major airport, Kangerlussuaq, is in this region.
Eastern Greenland
Eastern Greenland has significantly fewer people than the west. The only notable towns in this region are Tasiilaq and Ittoqqortoormiit. However, the area is easily accessible on tours from Iceland, and has excellent scenery.
Northern Greenland
Much of Northern Greenland is occupied by the Northeast Greenland National Park. It is extremely remote, much like the East, but is colder. The northernmost land on Earth is in this region of Greenland.


  • Nuuk (da: Godthåb) – the capital
  • Ittoqqortoormiit (da: Scoresbysund) – settlement in the sparsely populated eastern Greenland
  • Kangerlussuaq (da: Søndre Strømfjord) – known for research facilities and the former US Bluie West Eight base; comparably mild weather, while the glacier is in easy reach; good site for viewing northern lights.
  • Kulusuk (da: Kap Dan) – one of the largest towns in Eastern Greenland
  • Qaanaaq (da: Thule) – one of the world's northernmost civilian settlements, with a U.S. airbase
  • Sisimiut (da: Holsteinsborg) – second largest city
  • Tasiilaq (also Amassalik, for its municipality and the Island it is on) – the largest city in Eastern Greenland
  • Upernavik – unique wildlife, the largest bird cliff (Apparsuit)
  • Uummannaq – whale watchers' paradise


When visiting Greenland, dating can be a fun and interesting experience., lets you meet local members in Greenland and get to know them on a personal basis before you arrive. It just takes a few minutes, you simply create an account, upload a few images and tell a little about yourself. Since time in your destination may be limited, get to know each other's desires beforehand so when you do meet, you can skip the awkward introductions and 's tart having some real fun.

Top Dating Tips

Dating is the relation of romantic courtship between two people. Usually, it's the first step for a man and a woman, to become lifetime partners and have a family together. In Greenland, dating is one of the most amazing things among youths and adults as it gives them, the chance to express the feeling of love towards their partners. As compared to other regions of the world, it is not an expensive activity in this country as women are independent; hence, there is no need for expensive gifts.

It is believed that once you are in a relationship with someone, it is your responsibility to make the person happy and care for them. This can only be done by showing them love. Make a phone call to her before you sleep and also let it be the first thing you do when you wake up intending to find out how she is doing and to reminding her that you love her.

You can always ask your woman out for dinner, shopping, or go on a trip to create great moments for your relationship. During Valentine's Day, remember to appreciate her by celebrating this day together; buy her gifts, however small it may be, she will be happy. Gift her with flowers and take pictures together for fun.

Relationships and Love

Thousands of single women in Greenland are searching for a partner and potential future husband. Check out an ultimate guide for dating local girls, relationships, love and marriage: Relationship & Love Guide to Greenland

Online Dating

Online dating has made it easier for people who are shy at expressing their feelings for someone of the opposite sex. Modern technology has made the world a global village by developing sites such as dating sites where people connect to an extension of getting married. The following are some of the dating sites found in Greenland:

  • InternationalCupid - Premium international dating site with over 1 million members.
  • Tinder – Tinder is not only a dating app in Greenland but for the whole world. It has made it easier for several people as it provides a platform through which people can mingle and get their lifetime partners.
  • – This is also a website just like Tinder only that it is limited to Greenlandic citizens only. Registration into this site is free of charge.
  • – This is also a Greenlandic dating site; it only requires you to register free of charge, edit your profile, which consists of more information about yourself. This site allows one to chat, share videos and pictures with other people who are in Greenland.

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Live Cam Dating

Are you looking for virtual satisfaction in Greenland? Chat with live web camera models and find the best girl for your needs. There are thousands of girls online 24/7 waiting for you: Live Cam Girls

What Kind of Guys Have the Best Chances

Guys who are gentlemen and talk politely yet firmly are liked by girls in Greenland. Secondly, money is definitely a factor. Girls need to know that the guy is independent and able to take care of their financial needs. So if you are loaded with some cash, show it off in a subtle and classy manner so that the women you approach take that into account.

Risks while Gaming

Safety in Greenland is one of the most appreciable things. Law enforcement is ensured in the country to promote peace and order, thus enabling people to move from one place to another freely without fear of any inconvenience concerning their security.

Just like any other place in the world, there are robbers who snatch handbags from women and threaten them to hand over all their belongs. It is therefore important to avoid using routes that have been labeled 'dark spots' during the night. This is applicable not only to ladies but also men. No matter how energetic you might be, do not risk her life by walking her out beside you in the night as it is dangerous.

Greenlandic ladies themselves understand the risks involved in the darkness; thus, they shy being alone out such times, and they would rather walk beside someone strong enough for them to feel secure or hire cubs to their homes than spending the nights in places they are not familiar with.

How to Get Laid as Soon as Possible

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Tourists visiting Greenland to get laid as soon as possible should visit the most happening clubs and bars with naughty women such as strippers where youths and adults go to spend their nightlife by hooking up, drinking and dancing. Along with that, you should regularly use online dating platforms as everyone on these is there to find suitable partners.

Gold Diggers and Sugar Babies

Greenland is full of hot girls looking for a mutually beneficial hookup with travellers. There are lots of girls who don’t charge by the hour but who will do anything for a guy who is willing to help them pay their bills. If you are looking for a more personal and less transactional alternative to escorts, a good place to find these sexy open-minded girls in Greenland is SecretBenefits.


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Swinging and Naturism

Greenlandic ladies love sex and wouldn't mind giving it a try whenever there is a genuine chance for it. Several tourists majorly visit the country for swinging and naturism as there are ladies who are also interested in entertaining them in those activities. To be particular you can become a part of swinging activities by going online. As far as naturism is concerned, there will be a number of places where you can strip off and relax. All you have to do is spot other people doing it, and you could either join the party and go solo.

Costs of Living

The cost of living in Greenland is slightly expensive. The following details represent the cost of a trip for a tourist:

Single traveler’s budget per day: US$90 - $550

A tourist who is traveling alone to Greenland shall spend up to $90 or more per day to cater to his daily needs. A person who prefers a luxurious and more comfortable trip shall spend up to $550 per day.

Travellers visiting Greenland as one army can use an average cost of $50 per night if they stay in economy friendly lodgings while those who opt for a five-star hotel can spend up to $350 per night.

Beer in a grocery shop: US$3 - $6

A bear in a local grocery shop costs up to $3 a pint and a maximum of $6.

As bars are considered comfortable places with luxurious coaches and televisions, it is expected that the cost of beer will be slightly higher than that of a grocery shop. In a bar, one will be required to spend between $5-$10 a pint.

Meal in a restaurant: US$15 - $100

For a traveler who values taking meals from cafes or fast food restaurants will spend up to $35 per meal, while those who are wealthy will prefer enjoying meals from five- star restaurants, which may cost close to $100 per meal. However for those who are on a tighter budget, a meal for $15 at the least can also be availed at local food vendors.

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As mentioned above, people can opt for decent lodgings, which cost up to $50 per night. A luxurious experience at a 5-star hotel or a resort will cost you as much as $350 per night. Other options like Airbnb are also available in the region and usually have good deals on accommodation options.

Hotel Hans Egede, Nuuk, Greenland

How to Get There and Move Around

Transportation in Greenland is highly valued as it is all about moving lives from place to place. Below is detailed information on transportation systems in the country:

By air:

Greenland has a total of 33 airports and 47 helipads, which are owned by Mittarfeqarfiit (Greenland Airport Authority). The largest airport in the country is Kangerlussuaq, which serves as an international hub for international travelers to and from the country.

Kangerlussuaq Airport, Greenland

By bus:

The country has no roads in between the towns, transport in Greenland around the coast is by boat and dog sled in summer. However, if you are staying in the Nuuk which is the capital, you can get around the city using a bus. There are distinct yellow buses that are used in the capital and you will be able to identify one easily.

A local bus on the streets of Nuuk, Greenland

By car:

The issue of cars and cubs is not applicable in this country as there aren't clear roads to link towns. However, the capital city of Nuuk has some taxi services that you can use to travel within the city. These services might not be very efficient though.

By train:

Unfortunately, Greenland has no railway to offer inland transport services. They rely on a dog sled during summer.

By boat:

The country being an Island, it majorly depends on boats for transport. With a boat, you can easily move from town to town and around coastal regions.

A tour boat in open waters in Greenland


For non-residents willing to visit Greenland are advised to apply for visas from their country of origin, you can also have a passport whose date of expiry should be six months and above the time you are going to stay there.

Digital Nomads and Remote Work

Greenland is a good place for Digital Nomads. Many employment opportunities are well paying. One has to learn how to navigate from his home to the job place using boats and dog sleds.Other than that, the slightly expensive living costs and the weather need to factored in when thinking about something like this.

Internet and Mobile Operators

The only service provider for telecommunication and internet services by law which is owned by Greenlandic Home Rule government is:

  • TELE Greenland

Gambling and Casinos

In Greenland, you can gamble either online or go to a gambling machine in casino halls. There are no prominent casinos in Greenland, but the online casino scene is quite popular and if you wish to gamble, doing it online would be the best option in Greenland. However, this activity is only for people above the age of 18.

Weed and Drugs

Possession and consumption of any drug including weed is strictly illegal in Greenland. Although you can get hold of some weed if you befriend a local and ask them to hook you up with a dealer, you are advised to stay away from any activity involving drugs as it can lead you into considerable legal trouble.

Health, Fitness, Gyms and Massage

Greenland, as a country, is more concerned about the health of its inhabitants, thus has developed health and fitness centers to support that. Along with that people from Greenland are quite conscious about their health and hence go the gym regularly. Some of the popular gyms in the country are as follows:

  • Nuuk Fitness' (Nuuk)
  • Cross fit Inua (Nuuk)
  • Royal Greenland (Paamiut)

For relaxing massages, you can head to any of the following spas:

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  • Wingate Salon and Spa
  • Living Mantras
  • Element Energy

STDs and HIV

Greenland, as a country, is doing its best to fight HIV, which has no cure by employing campaigns to encourage protected sex or abstinence. It has gone a notch higher by offering a free test for STDS; if you are tested and found with it, then you are advised to take medication as fast as possible. However, it is advised that you should always use protection when indulging in sexual intercourse with a stranger in the country.

Stay Safe

Crime, and ill-will toward foreigners, in general, is virtually unknown in Greenland. Even in the towns, there are no 'rough areas.' So long as the visitor uses basic common sense and etiquette, he or she should be fine. Cold weather is perhaps the only real danger the unprepared will face. If you visit Greenland during cold seasons (considering that the further north you go, the colder it will be), it is essential to bring warm enough clothing.

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