Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters

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  1. Dating Websites
  2. Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters Word
  3. Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters Words
  4. Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters Words

If you want my team to just do your online dating for you, click here.

Struggling with what to write in your dating profile? You’re not alone.

Most guys find it difficult or frustrating to write about themselves in a way that attracts women, which is why so many women end up ignoring messages from guys who have profiles like this:

Here’s a dating profile tip right out of the gate: Look like you put some effort into it.

Check out these dating headlines for men examples, along with some do's and don'ts so you can write a custom one that really works! Short (And Super Short) Profile Examples. Everything you just read can be applied to your Tinder or Bumble profile as well. Only now you’re dealing with 300-500 characters instead of words. 500 Character Or Less Dating Profile Examples. This character limit is perfect for apps like Tinder, or on sites like Match.com or PlentyOfFish if you want to keep your profile short and sweet. The same rules apply as in the other good dating profile examples for guys you've seen. Highlight a couple of your most compelling trait s.

If you can’t even be bothered to impress her on a dating site, why would she think you’ll be impressive in person?

You don’t want to be that guy, so you’re looking for good online dating profiles to copy.

When she reads a witty dating profile like this, the odds are much higher she’ll reply to your icebreaker:

  1. Use examples from your past that prove that you are that person (beyond a shadow of a doubt). Describing Yourself: 4 Different Example Answers Now let’s circle back to how you should answer this question, starting with a quick wham-bam walkthrough just to warm you up.
  2. Tinder Profile Example #1: Take It Over The Top. On Tinder, exaggerated humor combined with a cocky/funny attitude plays much better than it does on a dating site like Match.com. This style allows you to get creative and have a bit of fun with it. While absurd and obviously not true, this bio is memorable and intriguing – especially if your.

Nailing your dating profile is a worthy pursuit.

Studies show guys tend to pursue women who are out of their league – as in 26% more attractive than they are themselves. And the more attractive the woman, the fiercer the competition.

You definitely can’t step into the octagon with a B-team profile if you want to score dates with the most popular women.

No pressure, right?

Don’t worry – you’ve got everything you need to write the perfect online dating profile right here in this article.

When you read until the very end, you’ll get:
  1. A fool-proof profile formula that works like magic on any dating site or app
  2. Examples of what works and what doesn’t, so you don’t accidentally turn off women
  3. Two fill-in-the-blank online dating profiles you can use today to get more attractive women responding immediately, plus 9 more great online dating profile examples you can copy!

You’re about to get the online dating profile help you need, so let’s…

Start With The Basics

As with anything in life, when you build from a solid foundation, you get lasting results. Your profile is no different!

VIDA’s team of dating experts has been writing dating profiles (and handling everything else, too) for guys just like you since 2009, and we use all kinds of metrics to track the success of our profiles.

Our data shows the most successful online dating profiles are 70% about you, 30% about her.

Researchers recently confirmed what we’ve known for a long time – this formula really works. The combination of describing both who you are and who you’re looking for gets the highest response rate.

Let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of a perfect online dating profile.

This example shows the 70:30 rule in action, and it has a solid framework you can follow to get awesome results:

The profile text in the above example is written for a site like Match.com, where longer profiles are the norm.

For online dating sites, a good rule of thumb is keep the length of your profile down to about 300 words or less. She doesn’t have time to read a novel, and you want to leave her wanting more.

You’re just four short paragraphs away from a polished, attention-grabbing profile!

This easy formula for writing a dating profile really works:
  1. Catch her eye
  2. Describe your occupation
  3. Paint a picture of your everyday life
  4. Describe what you’re looking for

Let’s see what each of those paragraphs looks like in practice…

1st Paragraph: Catch Her Eye

The “intro” of your dating profile has two crucial goals:

  1. Attract her attention.
  2. Make her want to keep reading.

If you fail to do either of those two things, she’s instantly moving on to the next guy.

But if she likes what she’s seeing, she’ll keep reading – and more importantly, she’ll be way more likely to respond to your message.

Let’s take a closer look at Paragraph 1 from the perfect online dating profile example above:

Open with an exciting travel story or a humorous anecdote that hints at your personality.

In this example, the first line of this profile immediately gives her something pleasurable to visualize, so within the first couple words she’s already imagining her tropical vacation with you, filled with warm blue water and cute sea turtles.

And the entire first paragraph is packed full of attraction triggers.

By the time she’s done reading it, she’s learned that you are adventurous, in good enough physical condition to windsurf, love to travel, and financially able to swing a fabulous getaway. All without having to write “I love to travel” or “I’m adventurous, physically fit, and financially stable.”

Which brings us to the next Golden Rule of Profile Writing…

Show, don’t tell.

You want to highlight your most attractive traits, but in a way that keeps her attention and sets you apart from the competition.

She doesn’t want to read a boring list of adjectives, like what this guy wrote:

Total snooze fest.

Dating Websites

It’s easy to say you’re adventurous, loyal, and fun loving. You need to give her a reason to believe you're adventurous, loyal, and fun loving.

Tell her a story that illustrates those qualities, and she’s more likely to be convinced you actually possess them.

Remember, trust builds attraction, which increases the odds of her agreeing to meet you in person.

2nd Paragraph: Describe Your Occupation

Let’s face it – she wants to know what you do for a living, especially if you’re looking for a more serious relationship.

If you’re a pilot, entrepreneur, or firefighter – congrats, according to Tinder you’ve got one of the top 3 most right-swiped (read: sexiest) jobs.

But for most of us, it takes a little creativity to make the hours we spend between 9 and 5 sound intriguing.

Just saying “I work in [fill in the blank]” is boring and vague.

And you definitely don’t want to mention anything negative about your job, like too much stress, long hours or the fact that you hate it:

Instead, choose an aspect of your work that you’re truly happy about. Then play it up:

As in the example above, adding the part about seeing vacant lots turn into shiny new homes gives her something she can emotionally connect with.

If you just write “I’m a general contractor” and leave it at that, you’re missing an opportunity to forge that connection.

Remember, the more positive feelings you can inspire, the higher the likelihood of her saying “yes” to a date.

3rd Paragraph: Paint A Picture Of Your Daily Life

Give her a glimpse of what being with you would be like.

You’re active, fun, social. In short, you’ve got a fulfilling happy life and you happen to be looking for someone to join you in a few adventures.

Mention your hobbies, things you like to do with friends, etc, always keeping in mind that she’s going to be imagining what it’s like to spend time with you.

Your profile should always be positive. This is no place to unpack your baggage from previous relationships or drop hints about how lonely you are:


4th Paragraph: Tell Her What You’re Looking For

You’ve introduced yourself in the first three paragraphs. Now it’s time to describe your ideal match.

Be honest about what you’re looking for, and feel free to set the bar high. Having high expectations exudes confidence, and confidence is an attractive trait.

On the other hand, only talking about what you’re looking for in your bio, or being so vague and all-inclusive that you’re basically saying “I’ll date anyone” has the opposite effect:

Make sure to include a “call to action” at the end of this paragraph.

That’s a fancy marketing term for telling your audience (in this case, the attractive women you’re looking to date) what you want them to do now.

In the example above, it’s “Message me and let’s talk”.

You could also challenge her to meet your standards with a question like “Think you’ve got what it takes? Send me a message and I’ll take it from there.”

Here’s another good online dating profile example to copy, just personalize it with your own details!:

Key Takeaways:


  • Keep it <300 words
  • Make it 70% about you, 30% about her
  • Follow this simple 4-paragraph framework:
  1. Attention-grabbing intro
  2. Describe your occupation
  3. Share your daily activities
  4. Describe your ideal partner
  • Illustrate all your most attractive traits by showing, not telling.


  • Make it all about you, or all about her.
  • Be boring. Avoid lists of adjectives and cliche phrases.
  • Forget to proofread. It might seem like a little thing, but first impressions are everything. Need more motivation to care about grammar? Almost 60% of singles can't get past bad grammar – they found it worse than bad sex.
  • Be negative – your profile isn’t the place to air your relationship woes or talk about how you’re about to “give up on this site.”

Need A Profile Headline?

No problem. Some dating sites that use longer profiles often display a short profile headline in her search results and match queue, right next to one (or more) of your profile pictures.

For instance, on Plenty Of Fish your headline occupies center stage.

Providing one is mandatory, and if you don't treat it as an opportunity to intrigue her, she may not think the rest of your profile is worth a skim.

Unless you want her to drift on to some other guy's profile, your headline needs to be compelling.

Use it as a chance to showcase your sense of humor, or hint at one of the reasons you'd make great Boyfriend Material.

These 3 dating headline examples make her want to keep reading:

Want more dating profile headlines you can use right now?

Check out these dating headlines for men examples, along with some do's and don'ts so you can write a custom one that really works!

Short (And Super Short) Profile Examples

Everything you just read can be applied to your Tinder or Bumble profile as well. Only now you’re dealing with 300-500 characters instead of words.

In some cases, you’ll need a super short profile. For instance The League you have only 140 characters.

When space is at a premium, every single word needs to pack a punch.

But the concept is the same.

A good short online dating profile grabs her attention and highlights a few of your most attractive traits (i.e. your occupation and hobbies). Then, if there’s space, end with a call to action.

Want more inspiration? Go here for even more short dating profile examples you can copy to use on any app!

Can’t Fail, Fill-In-The-Blank Profile

As promised, here are two instant profiles you can use right now, one for a site like Match.com and one perfect for a dating app like Tinder.

Just fill in the missing info and boom! It’s ready to adapt and upload to just about any dating site.

But one quick caveat…

While you’d be hard-pressed to find better profile templates than these online, keep in mind they are still fill-in-the-blank profile templates.

This means two things:
  • First, if you use one of them, your profile could look strikingly similar to others in your local area. That could obviously work against you.
  • Second, a cookie-cutter profile is, by definition, going to be a bit generic.

The best profile in the world is so unique that it would be impossible for any other guys to use it.

With that said, if you’re not planning to have us write a magnetically-attractive profile for you that makes you stand out like a sore thumb from all the other local guys, these templates are most likely a big step up from what you have now.

Completed, it will look something like this:

This dating profile template for men works on just about any dating app:

Here’s what it might look like out in the wild:

So there you have it – examples of what to do, what not to do, and two plug-n-play profiles you can use right now.

You’ve got all the pieces you need to write an online dating profile that gets results – more dates with the attractive women you want to meet.

But what if you could just skip right to the “date” part?

No profile writing, no back and forth messaging. Just showing up to meet higher quality women than ever before?

It’s actually that easy! You just need VIDA in your corner.

Click here to find out how you can have dates with the women you want to meet set up for you!

Hey, I'm Ally, VIDA Select's Director of Matchmaking.

We take all the frustration, hard work and hassle out of modern dating!

Imagine your very own Dream Team of highly skilled dating experts searching for the very best local matches, sparking their interest, and arranging all the dates for you.

Wouldn't it be nice to finally stop swiping and start dating higher quality matches so you can meet someone special?

We've helped thousands of singles just like you since 2009, and we're ready to make you our next success story!

What are you waiting for? Take the next step now…

According to statistics, about me pages are among the ten most visited by potential customers on your site.

The “about us” page is a must-have page (this can be a page on your website, separate landing page or even “about me” website as a type of portfolio) used by all types of businesses to give customers more insight into who is involved with a given business and exactly what it does.

Your “About me” page forms the first impression of a company or product, puts a name and a face to your business, and gives website visitor the opportunity to develop a connection with you (a good reason for a visitor to stay on your website!), and it is your best chance to convert more visits to enquiries/more enquiries to customers.

About me page is a space for individuality and originality, it is an important marketing tool that should convince. Therefore, they are very different!

Let’s get the best of the top About us samples and learn how to write about me page, that will pull your customers like a magnet.

About Me Examples

Sarah Nuren (life-coach, free website template)

View template: https://life-coach.weblium.site/about

Sarah’s “About me” page is an example of how individualized the approach to creating such a website section can be!

Frank and convincing copy, credible reviews, high-quality natural photos, calm shades, and an abstract background that does not distract you from the essence – this is the formula for the success of this page.

You won’t confuse Sarah’s site with anyone else’s… Wanna know a little secret? Weblium editor offers advanced template customization options, so you can modify any blocks, completely change the design of every tiniest element of your future website. That’s it, you will get your unique website for absolutely free!

Jack the Traveler (travel blogger, free website template)

View template: https://travel-blogger.weblium.site/

This site is a great example of what we have said before: sometimes it’s enough to create an excellent “About me” page to promote your brand (which, actually, will work as a full-fledged website).

We like the sleek design and beautiful photos that complement it. You find it fascinating too? Here is proof that simple sites work efficiently! “All the great things are simple”, right?

As you can see, the simple and intuitive Weblium editor helps anyone create an attractive website in the shortest possible time, without having special knowledge of web development. Simplicity is the new ingenuity!

Patrick Jameson (artist, free website template)

View template: https://minimalist-portfolio.weblium.site/

This is a good example of an attractive minimalistic portfolio of a creative person, where the “About me” information is perfectly integrated into the design of the website.

An elegant trendy dark background with geometric patterns, simple and clear navigation – this is what a modern portfolio should look like!

Since all Weblium templates are developed on the basis of a deep study of the niche and harmoniously combine the most current trends in web design, sometimes it’s enough to simply choose a template, add your own unique content and get a beautiful website with the perfect navigation for your type of business!

Lizard shop about page (free website template)

View template: https://lizard-breeder.weblium.site/#about

This example of the classic “About us” page with extremely comfortable navigation and vibrant colors is quite impressive, isn’t it?

You already want to buy a lizard and make it your pet? Then choose the Weblium template that you like the most, create your own website for business – and wait for your new customers to come!

Dan Joe – an example of the about page

Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters Word

Visit the website: http://danjoedesign.com/about/

Dan Joe, being a big knowledge seeker and a graphic designer has got a stunning About me page that immediately shows if he is ready for the new projects including web & print design, as well as branding.

The webpage has a pleasant color scheme: arrows and characters of orange color look cool on the lovely light gray ground, and the owl image shows his hunger for illustrations.

Joe Payton

Visit the website: https://josephpayton.com/about/

This is one of the most interesting About me examples, that hits the bull’s eye: It’s rather creative, very confident, and quite easy to perceive.

The illuminating self-portrait of designer and animator immediately creates a brand in your mind that you will definitely remember. One more important thing: Joe clearly shows his expertise in the field he is working in. Visiting the webpage, you get a clear image of what he creates, and why he makes it this way.

Apptopia – about us page

Visit the website: https://apptopia.com/our-data

We all love to seem smarter than we really are, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this effect is to use professional jargon!

A simple but carefully verified language that describes the essence of Apptopia startup easily conveys the meaning to the average person in the street.

Kero One – portfolio about me examples

Visit the website: http://www.kero1.com/about/

We have found one of the best poerfolios about me examples,that rocks, and yes – it is multilingual.

About me the page of this DJ and hip-hop artist tells you his story in different languages – English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. Attracting these fans makes Kero One’s brand more inclusive of all the markets he identifies with.

LessFilms – blog introduction about me

Visit the website: http://lessfilms.com/about/

This is, maybe, one of the most interesting blog intoduction about me exampleswe have found.

LessFilms video-production team achieves a stunning personalization effect using ingenious texts and the interesting character – a giant wrestler. And even though the great fighter and the amusing headings have nothing to do with the company’s business, they show that the brand owners do have a sense of humor!

Eight Hour Workday

Visit the website: https://mediatemple.net/blog/about-2/

We think that his page is just wonderful for the reason it is very humane!

Eight Hour Day company specialists did an amazing job to demonstrate the true identity of the creators of the company, for which the names and real photos of the company’s founders were used on the About us page. Even a photo of the owners’ dog helps to humanize their brand!

Callia Media – about me examples

Visit the website: http://www.calliamedia.com/andrea-butterworth-online-marketing/

This webpage is very good since it directly speaks to customers.

Andrea Butterworth, the owner of Callia Media, is an experienced, highly qualified marketer, and this fact is clearly stated on her website’s page. But more importantly, Andrea provided the “right to vote” to her grateful clients.

Thus, an ideal balance between personal information, a description of the company’s achievements and reviews of the biggest fans of the brand, and Andrea personally were reached.

I Shot Him about me page example

Visit the website: http://ishothim.com/about/

This page completely breaks the stereotypes of perception!

The title, sharp as a shot, and the incredibly funny self-presentation of the members of this remarkable creative team set up the acquaintance with them. The page shows you the real faces of this cheerful company, which creates the right mood.


Visit the website: https://mailchimp.com/about/

Another good example of a client-oriented «About us» page is a Mailchimp email newsletter webpage. In the second paragraph of the text, they say:

«Enough talking about us – let’s concentrate on you! No matter if you manage your business or try to build your email newsletter campaign, you need a professional email–marketing team, that will take good care of all the complex matters so you will get the chance to devote yourself to your job completely»!

More than that, the image of a monkey as a corporate character is a winning solution. There are some interesting replicas of a character and many amazing graphic elements on the site.

Bentley Motors – a good example of the About us page

Visit the website: https://www.bentleymotors.com/en/world-of-bentley/the-bentley-story.html

Bentleys are among the most prestigious and luxurious cars on the market. Their About page demonstrates prestige through a clean and elegant design that contains stunning professional images and an interactive way of exploring the history of the brand, the factory, and the latest Bentley updates!

Grain & Mortar

Visit the website: http://grainandmortar.com/about/

This digital agency chooses laconicism and sincerity in storytelling. Grain & Mortar don’t take you back in time or list abstract values. Instead, they explain everything in simple language and illustrate with the photos from the studio’s daily life.

A catchy and a bit intriguing phrase “The We Are Honest Folks” makes you scroll down for more details. Two short messages with no cliches or beaten expressions tell about the company’s ideology and the studio. Photos and animations of the team and their studio in warm colors recapture the atmosphere of the place and encourage them to contact these people.


Visit the website: https://ghosthorses.co.uk/about/

The smart use of visual identity and smooth animation will catch your attention from the first second. Smart British humor will make sure you stay and scroll to the end.

Example of about me in dating site in 500 characters crossword

There’s nothing in excess. Short witty texts answer the questions “Who?,” “What?,” and “How?”. There are links to the portfolio, social networks, contacts, and details about design and coding processes. Simple colors, a little bit of glitter and special effects, and duplicate menu in the “Footer Stuff” create the page you can easily call perfect.

Toby Powell

A true professional answers all your questions before you even ask. This is exactly what Toby Powell does on the “About” page of his website.

Toby is the guy who has designed and built the Vogue Thailand website. It is one of his major achievements rightly placed at the top of the page to fuel your interest. Then, you discover a short self-introduction, where Toby shortly describes his skills and working process flow, and portfolio. Interchanging minimalistic blocks with white background and images of a busy city help to achieve the balance.

Andrew Reifman


Visit the website: http://www.andrewreifman.com/#/about

There is one key difference between a company’s and a freelancer’s “About” page, this website illustrates it perfectly. Andrew Reifman makes sure you want not just to choose him for your project but also to become friends.

Being a freelance requires more creativity. The majority of customers are interested in your personality as much as in your works. Andrew Reifman decided that listing his projects, skills, and experiences is rather boring. Instead, he chose a couple of fun facts and cartoon graphics for the “About” page. You find out who Andrew actually is, not just what his works look like.

Jared Christensen about me example

Visit the website: https://www.jaredigital.com/about/

Jared Christensen goes even further. He uses a risky sarcastic approach, telling the truth everyone knows but tends to pass over in silence. It seems like Jared had some fun while creating this page.

There is all the essential information a potential employer would ask for. However, it is delivered in an original way. Jared writes about himself in the third person but sarcastic comments “like anyone cares,” “so annoying,” etc. make it sound rather funny than formal.

How to write an about mepage?

1. Understand your customer needs.


Your main goal is not to praise yourself, but to understand the needs of your potential clients and offer them a perfect solution.

The customer must find answers to his questions like the following:

  • What is your business and why can I trust you?
  • How can you help me to solve my problem?
  • What successful experience have you had?
  • How will I get the result? Will I get a guarantee?

2 Tip. Be professional in your field.


You can use diplomas, certificates, reviews of satisfied clients, case studies, photo reports from thematic workshops and seminars to confirm your competence!

3. Be creative.


Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters Words

Choose the creative approach when making you About me/About us page, try to completely forget all the «About me page templates» you know like «We are professionals in this field», «We have a huge experience», etc. Remember: all the cliché verbal constructions can be easily replaced by adding a little creativity.

4. You and your team.


Post photos of your employees, a small set of photos from the events. It is important to show your potential client those people, who will solve his problem. This element will add confidence in the relationship between you and the client.

5. Use the benefits of statistics.


Numbers are more accurate and more convincing than words – show your competence and use them:

  • How many customers have you got by now?
  • How many years have you been working?
  • What is the assortment of goods/services of your company?

6. Offer to subscribe to your email newsletter.


The email subscription form at the bottom of the About us page increases the number of subscribers by at least 2 times!

7. Work out the About page title.


Use the headline and subtitle to show your readers the core mission of the company, maximize customer benefits and call for action.

8. Voice your positioning and mission.


Try using the bold option for positioning – voice yourself as number one in your field! But will have to prove it with something convincing.

Formulating the mission, it is also crucial to indicate what exactly you are doing (or will do) to accomplish it.

9. “How do we work”?


A very important block showing that you offer a client-oriented business. In fact, you are deciphering the great phrase “an individual approach to each client”.

10. Talk about your values.


Example Of About Me In Dating Site In 500 Characters Words

Your goal is to show the consistency of business, core values, and customer care. Punctuality, responsibility, individuality, accuracy, enthusiasm – you have to clearly explain how these qualities are applicable to your work.

11. Finish the About page text with a CTA.


The visitor reads your text in order to get as close as possible to the decision making. Gently tell him what to do after reading!


#1. Career start

My name is James Willer. I graduated from MIT a month ago. Now, I am looking for my first full-time job. I have been working as a freelance web developer for the last three years and cooperated with several startups. I cannot say with 100% confidence where I see myself in five years or what my big career goal is. The world is changing rapidly, and I don’t have enough professional experience to be certain about such things. However, I know that I can provide a fresh take and an extraordinary approach to every project. I am always open to challenges and constructive feedback. I am open-minded and learn new things quickly. I want to become a team player and dedicate all my skills and talents to develop high-quality and unique products.

#2. Career advancement

I am Steven Miller, and I am looking for a job in Customer Services. I have 10 years of experience in related job positions. I started working as a Customer Care Agent in a call center gradually moving to a Customer Experience Analyst. I am a team player. I am outgoing, dedicated, and open-minded. I get across to people and adjust to changes with ease. I believe that a person should work on developing their professional skills and learning new things all the time. Currently, I am looking for new career opportunities my current job position cannot provide. I have enough experience to occupy a managing position and I will be glad to work on increasing the customer loyalty rate of your company.

#3. Career change

My name is Justin Baker, and I decided to change my occupation after five years of working in sales. I still like communicating with people and work in a team. I want to alter the accents a bit and switch to product management. As a sales agent, I learned what makes a product valuable and easy to sell besides promotion and persuasiveness. I have been working “on the other side” long enough to realize how important marketing and development components are. I have become interested in these fields recently. I am certain that joining your team is a benefit for both sides. My professional expertise in sales can provide valuable insights and a fresh perspective on product development. Personally, I can acquire new knowledge and skills in product launch and management. I am ready for long-time cooperation.

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