Dating In Medical School

Pre-med undergrads love the idea of dating medical students. You can offer to be on a med student panel at their pre-med club or volunteer with groups that also have pre-med volunteers. It's stooping pretty low though. Currently applying med/peds, one of my mentors told me he was stuck between two programs and ended up ranking his number one (where he also matched at) higher because of the prospects for single people as it was in a big city vs the other program in a smaller city (even though he actually liked that program more).


Have dated two girls at my school. One was in my class and the other was in a different class. Logistically, dating in a different class was much better lol. You really can’t lump all med school student personalities into one because they really do differ a lot. I like dating other med students.

Posted by7 years ago

Dating A Phd Student


Anyone have advice for meeting people besides people in your own class? I feel incredibly lonely in medical school and would love to maybe go on a few dates with new people, but I don't even know where to start looking. I go to a school not connected to an UG campus. In college I was meeting new girls through classes, parties, extracurriculars, whatever, but that simply isn't happening in medical school. Summer's approaching and I don't want to spend all my nights alone watching netflix.


Hey there!

Medical School Requirements

I'm starting med school in the fall at a very small yet highly ranked med school. I plan to avoid dating classmates due to the size and nature of the program. I have recently moved twice and ended contact with girlfriends and interested women in order to get some time to be truly by myself. It's been great to get to know myself better and not have to worry about relationships. That said, I like women and will probably, as a close friend says 'have a new girlfriend within a month [of moving back into the city]'.

He might be right but I don't want get caught up in anything less than amazing and I'm avoiding casual sex. I've browsed tinder and OkCupid before and couldn't find my 'type' in the small town I was in at the time. So I'd like a take on how to approach online dating this fall.

Should I mention being a medical student? I'm afraid I'll scare off the women I'm often interested in by appearing too much a bookworm. In person my nerdy side usually doesn't come up for a while.

Should I list my school to avoid meeting classmates?

How would you, women, feel about dating an eternal student? How can I make my profile clear that I'm not looking for casual sex but want to date in the hear and now? My worst fear would be dating someone hung up on dating the future me, as impressive as they may delude themselves into thinking that may be.

I want to create a profile and send messages that project that I'm not perfect and want to be loved not entertain some idealized romance about dating a 'handsome, stable, intelligent, and wealthy man'. Actually I'm a neurotic, health science obsessed, family oriented, loyal, and fun loving guy. Somehow who I am and who I might become gets confused sometimes. This makes things awesome for the first month or so at least. So I'm going to give OKCupid a solid try and see if I might be able to set realistic expectations before the first date. Is that a worthwhile approach? Honestly, I think I might be awkward in text so I'm wary of the whole thing.
