Best Dating Site In Connecticut

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Looking for:Man
Location:Texas City,
United States
I'm caring, loving and honest. I hate lies and dishonesty. I love camping, fishing , reading, cooking and making people around me happy. I'm disabled but that's my best ability.
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Looking for:Man
Location:Mexico City,
Well educated, professional, lookin' for frienship as a way to know one to each other
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Looking for:Man
United States
I am a person, who prefers to live now and here and really love every day of my life! My friends and people, who know me well say, that I am a respectful, loyal and cheerful lady with a big heart. I care about the feelings of other people. Life is just one, so I try to use every chance for the creation of my happiness and enjoy every day. There are some aspects, which are very important for me and bring me real satisfaction!
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Looking for:Woman
United States
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Looking for:Man
Location:Long Beach,
United States
You will find me to be quiet and somewhat shy at first, however a peek inside my soul will reveal a caring, sensitive 'young lady', with a heart of gold. I value honesty, integrity, and commitment above all. My concern for human and animal decency comes from deep within. I love music, and it would be unusual to find me without pop or classical music in the background on a daily basis. I am not 'ultra glam', nor am I 'dumpy'; I am just someone with whom you would be proud to walk down the street hand in hand.
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Looking for:Woman
Location:El Paso,
United States
I like to go bowling, walking around the baseball field. Watching Sports on TV and movies, and DVD's. I write Sports scores on paper. I like going out to the movies and to eat. I like playing cards and games on my laptop and my IPad.
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Looking for:Man
United States
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Looking for:Woman
United States
Single dad to a 3 yr old boy moved to Texas for work not much luck in the dating dept. just ask if u HMU be real no time for fakes
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Looking for:Man
United States
Very independent, and I guess you'll have to meet me to find out about me.......
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Looking for:Woman
United States
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Best Dating Site In Connecticut 2019


Best Dating Site In Connecticut 2020

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